What comes first, the chicken or the egg? It is a conundrum many businesses deal with when they are starting out. Where and how do you start?

As strategic marketing professionals, we live by the adage ‘a failure to plan, is a plan to fail’. All good in theory, however sometimes in business it is necessary to just get started and then to finesse things as we go along.

With a sound and well-structured business plan you can begin to enter the market place. It is rare to get everything right the first time, so as the business grows it is important to be flexible and scalable.

Rivergum Communications launched in January with fresh headquarters in Geelong. For a marketing business sometimes, says managing director Danielle Moore, the hardest customer can be yourself.

“Looking inwards ourselves at how we talk about ourselves, and considering the all aspects of the brand including our online identity, can be easy to set aside when there are clients to service and deadlines to meet,” she said.

“We have always been very clear on our business positioning – what we offer and why. But understanding that the website is one of our most important faces to the world – other than personal interactions and networks – has forced us to slow down and really consider it carefully.

“It is excited to launch our new website. It captures the essence of our business – a niche marketing and communications agency delivering sophisticated messages simply.

“We look forward to taking our business to the world and sharing our stories with our partners and clients, online.”
To find out more, contact the Rivergum team.

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