Collaboration. Education. Communication.

The Rivergum team were excited to attend evokeAG in Melbourne last week. This inaugural event brought together the leaders in Agrifood and Agritech research and development from Australia and around the world.

Emerging agriculture and food technology is helping to address the challenges of feeding a growing global population with a diminishing area of arable land and quality water supply, and climate change.

evokeAG was a unique opportunity to learn from entrepreneurs, scientists, investors, incubators, producers, government and commercial operators, whilst enjoying great food and the atmosphere of the Royal Exhibition Building.

It was an ambitious concept, and it worked. Together we learned that agricultural technology in Australia cannot develop in isolation to the rest of the world. If we are to be truly successful in this high investment category, then the technology needs to be relevant to a global audience. We cannot continue to operate in competitive state-based or industry silos. Rather, we must collaborate and work together, sharing information and resources to achieve an international foothold and competitive edge.

This was a great conference for us as marketing and communications specialists to attend. With a vast range of new products being developed for a growing global market, there is even greater need for education, collaboration and extension. The future is looking bright!

Congratulations to the evokeAG team for organising a great event, and we look forward to seeing you again next year.

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Virtual approach to delivering actual value

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